Even though I only had a 200MHz Pentium computer back then, the programs ran much more smoothly that they do in DosBox on a Xeon 3.3GHz computer ;)
I did not try all programs here. I did not have more time. Most of these programs make use of Mode 13h in DOS. I had so much fun playing around with that.
Here are some more programs, I especially like the 3D program FL.EXE.
There are four games that stick out, the Pong game, Knight game, Space and Snake games .
The Knight game, I took one sprite from Final Fantasy, the other I drew myself. I also had a map editor, but I was not able to run it. I got runtime error 200, that I remember I struggled alot with. I think it had to do with the CRT library, maybe. It could sometimes be fixed with TPPATCH.EXE, but I later found it was much better to not include this certain library at all, and I found ways to make my own procedures instead of using the ones in CRT.
Knight changes to night and day. There was a bug where the black color turns blue. I remember I fixed this, but sadly all of the newer versions of my programs was lost in a hdd crash. These programs I have here are backups, so they are a little bit older.
I had to alter day/night procedure when I filmed this because, usually the game only changes to night if time is between 21:00 to 06:00. So it stays in sync with computers clock :) I changed it for this video, so it changes between day and night every 30 seconds.
I also had a version of the Knight game that had an encrypted MAP file for some reason, this version was a little buggy.
The Pong game isn't much, it's basically just a nice intro screen :) But I was able to do a ball and a paddle, but not much more function than that.
Mode 13 only had a 8bit color table, 256 possible colors. The color table in Mode 13 was programmable, I could set any index in the table to a 24bit RGB color. I used Photoshop to generate the best possible color table for a certain image . I stored that in a file, and I saved the image as a RAW image. Then I wrote a program in Pascal that read these two images and combined them into one that I call DAT file. I had a DAT file reader, but I did not try it in this video, there are many DAT files to look at in future videos :)
The Snake game, I played that alot myself. This game originally also had music, but it did not work in DosBox. I will experiment with settings to see if I can get that working also.
It was possible to increase and decrease the speed of the snake, higher speed and you got more points. I did not find the button to increase the speed, I could have checked the code but I gave up :P
Not much to say about the silly Space Invaders game. It's kind of lame :) You cannot die, you can only loose points, and the game never ends.
I also did some programs in assembler using Mode 13. I was trying to be within the 256b limit. There was a page called 256b.org where people could upload small programs with a 256 byte size limit. Some other guy made a tube demo, that was totally impressive. My programs was not that impressive, these are some of my creations. But these are around 512byte large. :)
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