Saturday 20 October 2012

Generic Assembler

This is an assembler I made for developing my own CPU, I can use this program to define what I want my opcodes to look like and make simple test programs with it. It is not really complete, I cannot use #define for example, but it is supposed to support #define, to use macros like you can in C.

And for some reason opcodes looks like they are shifted one bit to the left. I noticed this when I was recording this video, it was over a month ago I worked on this project so I really don't know why right now. Even though the assembler has this bug the .set file I wrote for DCPU-16 seems to assemble the correct opcodes so I really don't know what happened.

Also opcodes are limited and locked to 16 bits, but that should be configurable in the future, but still the maximum size of an opcode is 64 bits.

Be sure to look at this video in 720p

You can check out the source code here:

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