Friday, 21 August 2015

Tonights sleep

I slept surpringly good this night. I was afrid that it was going to be difficult. Because I also slept at around 20:00 to  22:30... waking up with headache and just feeling sick.

I took something to eat. And something against the headache. I stayed up till 2 and chatted with some friends.

Then took a sleeping pill and then prepared to take two temesta.. but I must have fallen to sleep and slept uninterrupted till now. And I saw this morning that I never took my temesta.

But I did wake up having  pain. Good thing I've got medicine for that.

I wonder if I am going to fall asleep soon again. I think I probably will. So there's no idea in starting an early morning anime. I should give this movie Gisaku another chance.. but it is no japaneese animation. It doesn't matter, just don't know if I should call it an anime. Or just cartoon, or animated film.

I tried watching the other computer animated Appleseed movie I got. I think I spent maximum 10sec actually looking at it.

And the old one was difficult to follow. I don't know. In anime there maybe is no story, it is just a setting and then things happens in this world. I don't know...

* Shouldn't oxynorm kick in sooon. Pain be gone *poof*

Back into falling into quick-sleeps now.

And I notice (yet again) that I have double vision. I really  need to fix my glasses. Soon. I used to like trying different glasses and looks. But ....***oops had. fallen asleep***.... where was I... Whatever,  I don't feel like writing anymore anyway.

I should prepare a foodbag. Set it up to my tube. Then I can resume sleeping with food pummping in slowly.

Need drops for eye also. I have this gel to put on, it is good. It helps my eye not to dry out incase I can't close it properly when I sleep.  I have been worried that the tumour is growing and pushing from the inside on my eye. That makes me  see worse or get this double vision. Or it is the medicine. I don't worrry too much about it. I only have double vision early in the morning anyway.

But now, I keep falling asleep. Lol, think I've fallen asleep like 20 times now trying to finish this post. Dropping my phone, and even dropping directly on my face...

Nice weather and a beautiful view this morning.

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