Sunday, 23 August 2015

Fika: Lost my cardreader

I had a very good flash-cardreader that worked well in Linux. And it could take lots of different formats, including SIM cards for some reason.

And I also usually takes photos with my phone instead of my Canon. Ofcourse, I can get better pictures with my Canon. But it's a little bit more work to transfer the image to the computer later. With my phome I just upload them to blogger immediately.

Anyway, said it before, I hate when I loose things. It is probably here somewhere  But I can't find it... grr. I always put it back in. the same place, but not this time :(

I can transfer images directly from the Camon camera to the computer. But it is so slow. The cardreader is faster for some reason, even if they're both USB 2.0

By the way, I did find my favorite pincette. So now I'ge got 5 or 6 of the. :P

I didn't feel like making coffee today. I bought one of those starbucks drinks. It tastes more like chocolate than coffee to me. It is probably packed full with sugar. And it was expensive but it tastes good!

I finished watching Beautiful Dreamer this, morning. Even if I had problems folowig the plot, it was a good movie.

I am still tired, and having problems keeping my eyes open, I am at my dekstop computer, and I fall asleep. I have to go to the couch and rest. For real.

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