Monday, 10 August 2015

Neato XV Signature Pro - House Cleaning Paused

So I got a new Neato robotic vacuum cleaner. And I don't know if it is OK or not. You can read about my old one in older posts.

I left in my old for repair, and just gave me this new one. It has been a little bit confused the first few times it cleaned my house. But I think that is normal. It didn't find back to the charger one or two times maybe.

But this strange thing has happened twice now. It just stops and says House Cleaning paused... But I wonder why.

I hope it is not an error, just something that is easy to fix.

But the thing is, the point of having a robotic vacuum cleaner is so that you can leave it at home while you're away. I don't want to babysit it constantly.

I remember my old one also stopping once for a while. But I didn't have time to check what it said on the screen. So I just left it there, and it started again after a while.

I'll try just to wait. And Google for some answers.

Edit: Not much answers on Google. And I didn't have the patience to just wait for it to start, so I just pressed resume *sigh*


  1. I have the same thing with my neato... Weird... I am waiting for it to restart....

    1. This problem have not happened for a while now. The difference I have made is that I don't clean everyday using the schedule. I just start it manually. Not every day, but maybe twice a week.

      It has stopped once also without any errors or messages at all, or no "cleaning paused message". It stopped with the normal screen. I opened the dirt bin and cleaned it and put it back and it started cleaning again... So I don't know what happened there. It could at least have said "please empty my dirt bin" or something like that.
