Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Neato stuck on doorsteps

*sigh* I don't remember that first Neato had this many problems. Recent it got stuck three times on doorsteps with the message "clear my path". If I tilted a little bit the message disappeared and it started running again and when I released it, it displayed "clear my path"

I remember my old one getting stuck to with the message "clear my path" on door steps. But then I could just press start or resume and it would try and untangle itself from that position.

It also stops sometimes just sitting there saying house cleaning paused... for no particular reason.

And just now it has stopped again.. :/

These things irritates me, I really loved my first Neato that worked so well. Up until it got problems wirh it's "eye" or something.

Hmm. Now it seems like it's is out of battery. But shouldn't it go back to the charger in time? It is creeping slowly around on the floor, stopping and telling me to clear the path... maybe I should clean the sensors. I'll drain the battery again also and recharge it to clean later today or tomorrow.

Another day when it was cleaning. It went back to the charger do charge up to do the rest of the apartment. But it charged for like 5 hours or so.... I don't understand.

I love technology, and I was quite fond of my old Neato. I loved seeing it go round and round and getting out of all kinds of strange situations that it put itself into. It brought some joy into my otherwise quite grey and boring day.
But now when they both are acting strange and stupid and broken. I feel depressed over that.

Now later today at 13:40 I need to go to a doctor to talk about tracheotomy. I have had it before for a short while after the surgery.

When I think about that now. I feel so sad. It is like a part of my life is going to get removed. I wonder, will I be able to be home like this. Play guitar and games and tinnker with my electronics.
Most probably I will, be in the hospital for a short time untill the wounds have healed.
But wil I be able to eat, like I can now :/

I don't know. I am eating all the candies and chips ans dip and ice cream that I can afford now. Because suddenly I can't eat. And I am 100% stuck with this feeding tube. Oh, I am drifring away. I'll write another post.

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