Sunday, 6 September 2015


I have been really bored.

I can't break my record in blitzkrieg bop in rocksmith. My left arm also feels weak and not as active as before. Maybe the tumour is eating away my muscles. Before I could feel a muscle under my arm, in my armpit almost. They moves that muscle a little during the operation. I could flex it before so that a I could feel it. I cant do that as much anymore. Making my left arm very weak.

I think my dad got some voluntary dyslexia. He always mispronounces a word that he is not familiar with. Like "tiramisu" becomes "timarisu" or something like that. But it is completly unecessary. He can read, but it is something new to him so he have to get the letters backwards, it's just programmed into his brain, to make it sound "fun" or something. So that he can express that it is something new and ridiculous for him.

Now I also wants some icecream.

I was sitting at my computer. And found some stuff todo. I tested some new games that I got with humble bundle. Then I played some with deepdream. But then homecare came in and forced me back to the tv room where I have been all day already, getting my last bag of food. Getting me extra bored. I took a temesta for no reason. I know it's gonna make me tired. I am just so bored and depressed now.

I was trting to talk to some friends online. But as i expected. It is sleeping time foe them now, 19.45...

Everything is just so boring.

Maybe check if there's something to watch on netflix.

1 comment:

  1. Har också märkt att han upprepar ord fel :) hehe. Nästan som när Leia ska lära sig ett nytt ord. Glasögon säger hon - Ösgoden :D
