Friday, 25 September 2015

Not good today or yesterday evening

I lost my temper on my Neato Vacuum cleaner.

If I had the money, I would spend thousands of it on AdWords to talk about how bad their products really are... At the same time, I was so pleased with my first one that worked fine for 2-3 months before I got any serious problems.

The Neato, like usual just stopped on one of my doorsteps and complained that it was blocked, "untangle" or what ever it says. My father was there, and how a person can be so incompetent on electronics is beyond my understanding. I  just said, "Press the long black button", and nothing happened. Of course the display was off, so you had to press the large round button first to start it and THEN press the long black "OK" button. He did not understand that. This was when I started to loose my temper. He said "It doesn't work, I press the button". So I had to go up and do it myself.
Yeah, I should have said "If the display is off just press the large grey button and then press the "OK" button" *sigh* I thought he could figure this out for himself, but no. I had so say "It is unfuckingbelievable how some people can be so technically incompetent".

Any way, that did not work. So I pressed OK again, still stuck, and it kept doing that even if I hammered on the OK button, not with an actual hammer, but just like you do when playing bullet hell games without autofire.

I lost my temper here, all the problems with these Neato cleaners came rushing though my head. I just picked the damn thing up and threw it on the floor with all my weak force I have left. Some plastic bits came off. I have not found them yet.

(Another scary thing that just happened right now, was that I got one of those micro-sleeps. And When I woke up. All that I had written was gone... Thank "God" for ctrl+z.)

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