Yesterday morning I was looking around for my tea spoons. Because I know that I have many more teaspoons somewhere.
I was trying to stand on a chair. And I fell backwards. And it felt like I hit my head on the table behind me. But I am not sure I did that.
My dad was being stupid again..of course he was worried about me. But the he was trying to help me get back on my feet after like 3 seconds, taking my hand and pulling me up with force very fast. I shouted at him to stop. And I sat up on the floor and sat there for a while. Stubborn as he is he still wants to pull me up really fast. He doesn't think for a second that I might feel dizzy after falling and hitting my head.
I was too weak to get up on the chair and I was too weak to get up from the floor like that. He doesn't understand my condition and how I feel. Not a single clue. He thinks I am like normal.
And if I really did hit my head on the table, wouldn't it be good to lie down still for a while and breath and relax until you feel ready to get back up. That is like, almost common sense.
I was not happy at all yesterday.
I finally lost my temper on my Neato. It kept stopping on the doorsteps/thresholds. And kept stopping for no reason, "paused".
I just took it up and threw it on the floor with all my force. It kept getting the "vision blocked" error after that. My dad did not notice or say anything at all.
He didn't even hear the noise? He just passed by me like nothing had happened.
How come, he didn't notice that?
When I asked him he just says that he doesn't know what to do... Don't know what to do? At least say something. You can say for example "What happened?"
I remember when I saw a kid, and if I made the tiniest tiniest noise somwhere. Like I could drop a piece of lego on the floor. My dad would shot at me "WHAT the **** are you doing? Why are you making all that noise". Back then, it was completely opposite. We were supposed to be silent like mice.
I turned the Neato in for repair again. I spilled coffee all over it also when I fell. When I go to pick it up I might replace it with a D85 if possible. Maybe I should have said that first. But I'll ask anyway... Or I am not completely sure either.
There is a D85 with some remote control that seems the more interesting. It has not been released yet it seems like. You can look at neato robotics website and fill in your e-mail to get more info when it is released.
I slept on the couch all night.
And I really really really need to stop with my oxynorm. I've got a half bottle after only 3 days. It doesn't help me get more happy anyway.
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