Wednesday 19 August 2015

Feel good

Although I slept longer than usual, I had a really bad night.

And a problematic stomach, and woke up sweating like I was in a steambath.

I feel pretty good right, now. But I still am not sure about what to do.
I feel good when I can forget about the cancer and concentrate on other things.

I feel like having a fika, and reading a little about simple radio transmitters/receivers.

Yes, I did work at Ericsson one summer. That was a good job.

I would like to build one where I need to wind coils myself. That would be most fun.

So I am going to do that, then play some more Rocksmith after that.

Or maybe I'll just do nothing and just keep feeling good and surfing on the web, youtube, etc...

I have some dead projects. Like this little prototype board with a BMI160 acc/gyro sensor that I don't know what to do with. First of all I just want to direct output from it to my computer via the CP2102 USB to Serial chip. But I got no clue what to use it for, and maybe that is the reason my projects usually dies.

I can easily destroy this good feeling I have now by thinking too much about all my dead projects, because. I don't know how much time I've got. And I get stressed, I want to do all the things I want to do NOW. Before it's too late.

But I need to stop thinking like that. 

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